Fall Curb Appeal

Fall is one of the best times of the year in the midwest. With comfortable weather and beautiful colors, it’s hard to find anything to complain about. With so many trees changing colors, fall is the perfect time to up your curb appeal to play off those fall colors. Check out some of these tips to see what you can do to up your fall curb appeal game.


Keep your lawncare up

With leaves constantly falling all season long this can seem like a tedious task. However, by cleaning up those leaves and keeping your grass trimmed, your lawn can look completely different. Try cleaning once a week or every other week so it is not as big of a project each time. Don’t forget to bag your leaves so they don’t get blown around!


Clean up the exterior

This can go along with keeping your lawn clean but you can’t forget about your house itself. Throughout the dry summer with the wind blowing everything around your home can get dirty on the outside. Take a pressure washer to it to get all the dirt off. This will leave your house looking brand new for the fall season!


Clean out your gutters

Speaking of cleaning the exterior of your house, you can’t forget about those pesky gutters. It’s not a very enjoyable house maintenance task but it is necessary for keeping up the appearance of your home and also for functionality. With the colder weather and snow coming, it’s best to get ahead of it and clean them out when the weather is still nice.


Add outdoor lighting

Simple yet very effective. While you might be putting out your fall or Halloween decorations it’s important to make sure your house has enough exterior lighting to show off your hard work! The days get shorter as well and this can be beneficial for when you’re getting home in the dark as well. Check out this article, “Outdoor Lighting Buying Guide” for help on what exterior lights you should get 


Plant fall flowers

So you’ve cleaned up your lawn and the exterior of your house. Now how about adding in some fall plants to replace the summer ones you had planted? This is a great way to add some fall colors to the outside of your house as well.


Fall is a wonderful time of the year in the midwest and it’s always nice to come home to a beautiful house after upgrading your fall curb appeal. Try implementing some of these tips this fall and as always, feel free to reach out if you’re looking for some help cleaning up your home for sale! Once your house is all cleaned up for the season, check out our blog “Things to do in the Fall”!

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