Is Your Home Photo Ready?

Is your home photo ready? It’s important to get the best possible photos of your home when you are putting it on the market. Buyers are always looking online before they schedule showings. Homes that look amazing attract buyers, but homes that don’t look appealing in photos will be left off the showing list. To assure you are showing your home in its best light, follow these tips:

  • Make sure the exterior of your home is looking great! Depending on the season, have the lawn mowed, leaves raked up, or snow shoveled. Put away any miscellaneous items lying around your yard to give it a clean look. Make sure your gutters are cleaned out too. Clear spider webs and other items from your siding. Repair any exterior spots with chipping paint too.
  • Open all the blinds and curtains in your home to let in the natural light, and turn on all the lights to make it even brighter. Check to make sure all the bulbs are in working order.
  • If you are ready for photos, you should have your home decluttered. Homes show much better if they are not full of stuff, it gives a feeling of being larger, and buyers can better imagine their own items in the home.
  • Clear the counters in your kitchen, putting away all the small appliances and other items that sit on your countertops. Take down the magnets and artwork projects on your refrigerator, and put away pet bowls. A basket of fresh fruit in the kitchen or on the table adds a homey feel in photos. Make sure your range, refrigerator, and dishwasher are clean inside and out.
  • Make your bathrooms look more appealing by putting away toothbrushes, makeup, and other items you normally have sitting on the bathroom counter. Neatly folded towels add a nice touch, as does a basic shower curtain.
  • Clean your home from top to bottom, and vacuum right before the photo shoot. Nothing says great carpeting like vacuuming stripes!

Make sure and have a photographer take the photos for your listing. The difference between professional and cellphone photos is huge!

Buyers want to see a clean and polished home online, and then again in person. Once you have your home photo ready, it will be much easier to keep in top condition for the showings you will soon be having.